July 24, 2020

Uproar Expands Digital Offerings with Social Media Listening Service

In March 2020, Uproar added social media listening services to its digital offerings, now providing clients with data related to their brand footprint, target audience, competitors, sentiment and industry trends. This expanded digital monitoring capability allows clients to see who their target audience is and key metrics about them, such as the platform where they are most active and their location. This information ultimately guides a company’s understanding of its target demographic, which is key to determining social media success.

Social media listening collects data across all channels, identifying key trends, language and influencers related to a client’s industries. Uproar utilizes keywords, specific search terms, hashtags and mentions to identify relevant data. This search provides a holistic view of a company’s online presence, giving clients the opportunity to guide their messaging, act on trends in a timely manner and evaluate what their competitors are doing on social media.

To develop a more comprehensive understanding of the discussions on social channels and how they affect clients, Uproar takes this data and analyzes metrics such as volume, impressions, engagements and sentiment. The team then identifies and evaluates any insightful trends to influence ongoing PR strategy.

In addition to this data, social media listening provides demographic information and word clouds that highlight top keywords, hashtags and mentions that are included most frequently on social media platforms. Uproar then optimizes its clients’ press releases, blogs, contributed articles, social media posts and any other written content by implementing these key terms, which enhances a brand’s visibility through an effective SEO strategy.

Social media listening also gives Uproar the ability to keep a pulse on trends and sentiment within a client’s industry. This insight is then outlined in a comprehensive PR response strategy to enhance opportunities for organic growth via media relations and social media. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Uproar utilized social listening to denote the general tone among target audiences and evaluate messaging around client product launches in response.

Uproar is eager to extend social media listening to current and potential clients and continue providing key insight and recommendations on how to best position their brand and resonate with their target audience. Reach out today to learn more about Uproar’s digital services!

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