August 5, 2024

The Right PR Partner is Critical to Building Brand Voice and Value in a Changing Media Landscape

Today’s changing media landscape is characterized by shrinking staffs and increasing competition for media attention. The current complexity of the media landscape makes it more critical than ever for brands to partner with the right PR agency. The right agency understands the challenges journalists are facing today and how to work with reporters to mitigate these challenges, unlocking opportunities to tell compelling brand stories that build brand voice and value for clients in the marketplace.

There is no doubt the media landscape has evolved significantly over the last few years. Muck Rack’s State of Journalism 2024 report highlights some of the more recent changes to this landscape.

According to the report, more than a third of journalists report layoffs or buyouts at their organizations. This downsizing means that many journalists no longer specialize in one area and instead pick up other beats and do more stories. Nearly 25% of journalists surveyed reported producing 11 or more stories every week, a rate much higher than it was just a few years ago.

Fewer reporters covering more beats means they are inundated with a higher volume of pitches, and that means they’re harder to reach than ever before. Many of these journalists are working on several stories at one time and simply don’t have time to review pitches from unfamiliar sources.

That’s where Uproar can help. Uproar has the relationships with journalists that build positive brand exposure, whether it’s national, local or trade media. By working collaboratively with reporters, understanding their beats and the stories they are working on, Uproar establishes strong connections with journalists that lead to impactful stories that amplify a brand’s message.

Understanding the challenges facing journalists today coupled with the expertise to cultivate genuine relationships with them allows Uproar to land stories when others can’t. Ever mindful of the stretched-too-thin work lives of reporters and editors (17% say they lack the time to cover stories thoughtfully), we strategically package elements of a story together, providing the resources journalists need to round out their stories.

Uproar’s collaborative approach to working with media results in reporters reaching out to our team for access to credible sources that help build their stories. According to journalists surveyed by Muck Rack, subject matter experts (82%), CEOs (46%) and agency PR professionals (22%) are some of the sources they find most credible.

As journalists connect with us for access to experts and thought leaders, we know how to best position subject matter experts and CEOs to ensure messaging is on brand, with the right information getting to the right audiences at the right time.

Today, navigating an ever-changing media landscape requires an experienced PR partner who can unlock opportunities for building brand voice and value in a competitive marketplace.

Today’s media landscape is complex. Don’t go it alone. Let’s talk!

Contact us today.

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